5 Easy Ways To Use Crystals Everyday


Crystals have an internal structure very similar to living organisms. They affect people, plants, food and everything living.


  1. Stimulate and help regrow cells in our body 
  2. Stabilize our emotional body
  3. Energize our physical body 
  4. Help develop intuition and psychic senses
  5. Increase  power of the brain to learn 
  6. Help us remember what is learned 
Here are a few easy ways to use crystals everyday...
  • Drinking crystal water everyday clears the body of toxicity. 
  • Plants grow better when crystals are placed around them. 
  • Keep a few crystals around fruits and vegetables they will stay fresh longer. 
  • Place a few crystals in a vase of water, the flowers will last longer
  • Use crystals around sprouts - they will develop faster and stronger 
Its always important to clear the energy of crystals before using them. Always use crystals with an intention. 


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