Can Shapes In Decor Affect The Way People Behave?

We are in constant energetic dialog with our immediate surroundings (home, office, cubicle, etc.). As we walk into a room, in one second, just one single second our logical, conscious mind, the left side of the brain, takes in and processes 7 inputs (possibly smell, light sound). 10000 inputs are taken in by our creative, right side of the brain, the inputs that go directly to our subconscious mind.


A very simple thing like shapes – squares, rectangles, circles, ovals, and objects placed in numbers like threes, or fours can be used so beautifully to affect the behavior of people in a room. Graphic designers and clever marketers are always using shapes and numbers to drive our actions. Check out today’s video showing you the very basics of using shapes in our décor to suit the needs of the room.


Video duration: 6:31 minutes

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