How Colors Affect Us? The Power Of Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green


Our response to light is very deeply ingrained in our nervous system. Every single color has an enormous effect on us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 

Bring colors into your life through choosing 

  • colorful natural fruits and vegetables, 
  • being mindful of the colors you choose to wear
  • jewelry to bring on specific emotions you desire 
  • colors in your spaces as accents, furnishings, walls and decor 

Avoid dark shades and colors on walls - reserve them for use in smaller accents 

Avoid blue paint and furnishings in bedrooms - blue triggers the water element in our subconscious - it can cause the feeling of overwhelm or drowning in too much work

#colortherapy #colortherapyclub #colorhealing #happycolor #monicavachery #holisticdesign #holisticspaces  #holisticdesigntherapy #designtherapy  #consciousliving #livingwithnature #naturehealing #colorhealing #colorheals #colorfulinteriors #colorfulinteriorspaces #colordesign

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