10 Tips For A Good Night's Sleep

If you are unable to get a good nights rest, you need to check your bedroom for these 10 things. 

Chances are there are electromagnetic disturbances causing the insomnia. 

The compass plant or the wild sunflower has a unique ability. The lower leaves of this plant line up edgewise to the North-South Magnetic Axis of the earth. 

“A newly emerging leaf grows in a random direction, but within two or three weeks it twists on its petiole clockwise or counterclockwise into a vertical position.”

Scientists have found magnetic sensors in the brains of birds and bees. Many animals and bacteria also orient themselves to the earth’s electromagnetic fields. 

We humans are sensitive to these natural electromagnetic fields - Our brains in alpha state (the calm meditative state where we get new ideas and inspiration) vibrate at 7.83 Hz. The Earth surrounding us naturally has vibrations at 7.83 Hz - The Schumann Resonance. 

All life on earth is designed to be in harmony with these natural electro-magnetic fields. 

When we humans are surrounded by man-made strong electromagnetic fields such as those emanating from smart devices, WiFi, cell phones, 5G, and cell towers, these unnatural radiations cause our DNA to split.. They disrupt the natural flows and energy systems of our body, eventually leading to serious disease. 

We are now surrounded by radiations a billion billion times (that’s 1 followed by 18 zeros!) more than our grandparents. This rise in ambient radiation is recent and has only happened in the last 20 years. Research of its health effects is only emerging.

While in today’s world it may be next to impossible to avoid all radiations, you can reduce your exposure at least whilst you sleep. 

#radiation #nowifi #cellphoneradiation #restfulsleep #insomnia #bettersleep #5G #geopathicstress #monicavachery #holisticdesign #holisticspaces  #holisticdesigntherapy  #consciousliving #livingwithnature #harmonywithnature #naturehealing 

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